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NEW: IRS Tax Payer ID Verify Tools!
IRS unveils new online identity verification process for accessing self-help tools The IRS ID Verify process was way over due for an upgrade. Successfully verifying on their old platform was an act of God. Rumor is this process is much easier... probably because they...

2022 Season | Renew Your PTIN Now!
On October 21, 2021 the IRS put out a News Release encouraging Tax Preparers to renew their PTINs early through the online renewal process. The renewal process is supposed to take no more than 15 minutes. So, just get it done! Click HERE to read the entire article....

IRS QUICK ALERT: CUTOVER 1040 MODERNIZED E-FILE (MEF) PRODUCTION SHUTDOWN AND CUTOVER The IRS announced that E-file will “shutdown” will begin on Saturday, November 20, 2021, at 11:59 p.m. Eastern time, in order to prepare the system for the upcoming Tax Year 2021...

2022 Tax Season – Significant Tax Updates
CLIFFNOTE: Tax Law Updates Here is a quick teaser - Did you know for 2021, there is no MAX age for EITC. Your client could be 80 years old and still be eligible! This is our short list of significant updates you need to know about .. Click HERE to download "Cliff...
Advance Payments – 2021 Child Tax Credit
Who, What, When ... Etc. This should go off without a hitch! And be an absolute joy to explain to clients why their refund is smaller! And reconcile on next years tax returns! (Heavy Sarcasm) … None the less, here are the facts. Who is eligible for Advance Payments of...

Update – Unemployment Exclusion : Refunds To Start In May
IRS WILL AUTO RECALCULATE TAXES ON UNEMPLOYMENT Quick Summary: Taxpayers who filed prior to change to the handling of Unemployment Benefits IRS will AUTO Recalculate IRS will refund any resulting overpayment or apply to outstanding taxes owed The first refunds are...

IRS Filing Deadline – May 17
IRS Announces Filing Deadline has been extended till May 17. Click Here to read full IRS Bulletin

Economic Impact Payments – Debit Cards
IRS COVID Tax Tip 2021-02, January 14, 2021 Millions of taxpayers will receive their second Economic Impact Payments by Debit Card Quick Summary: The Treasury Department and the IRS are issuing millions of second Economic Impact Payments by prepaid debit card...
Software Updates : EIP | Income Look Back
Navigation Instructions In this brief post we are providing navigation instructions to new forms and worksheets related to Economic Impact Payments and the Relief Act, Income "Look Back" Provision for certain tax credits. Pro-Online - Click Links Below Economic Impact...
January 2, 2021 – Begin Accepting Live Returns
Accepting Transmissions - 01/02/2021 We will begin accepting live tax returns on January 2, 2021. Any returns that are transmitted prior to January 2, 2021 will be considered test returns and will be deleted from our transmission servers. Returns that are transmitted...