by RightWay | Aug 7, 2024 | IRS, Security, Software, Tax Law, Tax Software
The Internal Revenue Service reminds tax professionals that using multi-factor authentication is now more than an important protection for their businesses and their clients – it’s now a federal requirement. All tax professionals are now required to use multi-factor...
by RightWay | Jan 9, 2021 | Software, Uncategorized
Navigation Instructions In this brief post we are providing navigation instructions to new forms and worksheets related to Economic Impact Payments and the Relief Act, Income “Look Back” Provision for certain tax credits. Pro-Online – Click Links...
by RightWay | Dec 17, 2020 | IRS, Software, Tax Law
In this article we have compiled the major IRS form updates for tax year 2020. Many of these forms are specific to dealing with Covid-19 and the reemergence of an old classic (1099-NEC) New tax forms for 2020 Form 1099-NEC The 1099-NEC disappeared in the early...
by RightWay | Nov 14, 2020 | Features, Pro Online, Software, Uncategorized
DID YOU NOTICE? For all of our pro-online users, we’ve added a little surprise. If you already noticed what were about to share prior to this post, get yourself a cookie Wait? Notice What? As a refresher… In the past, the platform has always...
by RightWay | Nov 2, 2020 | Features, Marketing, Software
WHY WOULDN’T YOU? Everyone loves options! It is now more important than ever to provide your clients as many options as possible to connect and do business with you. Can we ask you a question? If you are not currently promoting the use of the Integrated...
by RightWay | Aug 18, 2020 | Best Tax Software, Features, IRS, Software, Tax Software
IRS ANNOUNCES THE ABILITY TO ELECTRONICALLY FILE 1040-X We will be rolling out electronic filing for the 1040X over the next several weeks. We anticipate enabling the ability in Pro Online by the end of September. We will post updates as well roll this out across...