IRS e-Services – Planned Outage
The IRS is in the final stages of a technology upgrade for e-Services. There will be some temporary use issues that will occur as the IRS makes this transition:
- There will be a complete outage of all e-Services tools, including Registration, Transcript Delivery System (TDS), and TIN Matching, from 6 p.m. EDT, Thursday, Aug. 17, until 6 a.m. EDT, Monday, Aug. 21. Applications also will be offline and resume Aug. 22, except for state users. E-Services must be taken offline to complete the platform transition and to perform testing. This outage will affect all users, including bulk users such as IVES and TIN Matching.
- All State tax agency users will be unable to submit new e-file and TDS applications for state coordinators or change existing e-file and TDS applications for state coordinators from Aug. 17 until late October. This temporary issue will not affect state access to transcripts. If there is a critical need to add or remove an individual from a state application, states may contact their IRS government liaison representative who will notify appropriate IRS personnel.
- Affordable Care Act Information Return (AIR) filers may resume submission of applications for Transmitter Control Codes starting on Aug. 22. The application process for AIR users has been offline since July because of the e-Services platform transition.
- A redesigned e-Services landing page will launch Aug. 21.