A few of us recently had the privilege of attending the annual conference of one of RightWay’s largest users. At the conference they had a number of awesome speakers one of whom was a man named Scott Mckain. Mr. Mckain was the keynote speaker and the dude is a pro! His talk has inspired us personally and professionally.
For our purposes, we are going to try and adapt Mckain’s talking points to the Tax Business. We highly recommend you visiting his website and checking out his material @ http://createdistinction.com/
His talk was titled “Create Distinction”. How do we stand out from the pack when everyone essentially does the same thing? We will do our best to communicate what he very eloquently conveyed over a 90 minute period. So, here are our major takeaways and we hope they are helpful to you.
Mr. McKain started his talk by asserting, nothing has to be a commodity! Just because it’s the same product or service doesn’t mean it has to be delivered similarly. In the tax business we knowingly or unknowingly sell a lot more than tax preparation. I can think of about 20 things other than tax calculations and e-file that you provide.
- Relationship
- Empathy
- Trusted Advice
- Future Planning
- Education
- Personal
- Support
- Confidence
- Honesty
- Follow Through
- Consistency
- And we accurately prepare tax returns.
Mr. McKain also suggests that there are 3 levels of customer service.
Level 1 – Processing: Doing the job or providing the service.
Level 2 – Service: Taking care of the customer in the event of a question or issue.
Level 3 – Customer Experience: This is where loyalty occurs! (We didn’t get all of his points down or all of his examples/definitions…another good reason to go check out his site for yourself)
- Personal Focus
- Exceed Expectations
- Reciprocal Loyalty – Returning Customer Discount
- Consistent – Every Experience is equally enjoyable
- Innovation
Mr. Mckain said the business’s that succeed in this day and age, “obsess over making it easier for people to do business with them!”
At RightWay we are focused/committed, dare WE say OBSESSED, on being the one stop provider for all of your tax business needs. Notice, we didn’t say, tax software needs. Software has to some degree become a commodity (No personal connection).
Don’t get me wrong, our software is amazing and available for download! But, RightWay will not be “just” a software provider. We are constantly growing and evolving in response to ideas, challenges and opportunities presented by you. Our goal is to create a user experience that exceeds every expectation and helps facilitate the success of your business.
We strongly suggest reading Mr. Scott McKain’s material and using the powerful insights provided there in to, “Create Distinction”.